1. Advise  the  Minister on  matters  pertaining  to regulation,  practice  and  training  of  medical, dental and allied health professionals
  2. Exercise  general  supervision  of  professional conduct by medical, dental and allied health professionals
  3. Regulate and control continuing professional development for  medical,  dental  and  allied health professionals
  4. Promote the maintenance and enforce adherence to medical, dental and allied health professional ethics
  5. Advise respective institutions responsible for accreditation on the kind of training or programme that impart the requisite knowledge and skill for the efficient practice of medicine, dental and allied health sciences
  6. In  collaboration  with  relevant  accreditation body, inspect medical, dental and allied health training institutions for the purpose of ascertaining quality of the training offered
  7. Caution, censure, suspend from practice, erase  from  the  Register,  Roll  and  List  of names of practitioners, after being found guilty and convicted of an offence of professional misconduct
  8. Ensure  the  maintenance  of  Register,  Roll  and List
  9. Publish  in  the Gazette and  official  website  of the Council, names, addresses and qualifications of all newly registered and licensed medical and dental professionals and enrolled or enlisted allied  health professionals and practitioner
  10. Exercise disciplinary control over medical, dental and allied health professionals and practitioner
  11. Approve  internship  centres  for  medical  and dental graduates
  12. Inquire into complaint, charge or allegation of improper  conduct  against  any  medical,  dental or  allied  health  professionals and  practitioner registered, enrolled or enlisted under this Act
  13. Advise training institutions on matters relating to  training  of  medical,  dental  or  allied  health professionals
  14. Approve  the  budget  or  supplementary  budget of the Council
  15. Set fees and charges payable under this Act
  16. Perform any other functions as may be required  under  this  Act  or  under  any  other written law Issue registration certificates and licenses


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